Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Nine

Today the carpenters were not at the worksite, so the building of the bookshelves was put on hold, as we could not cut the wood without them. Work on the stairs leading up to the bus stop continued, and many of us worked hard carrying rocks from across the road to fill in the steps. And thanks to yet another excellent turnout of community members, all of the fence posts were now in place, and we painted them different bright colors. Brad and James took the day off from work to go fishing with their host family’s father.
Several people were feeling a little under the weather, as Jason predicted would happen around this time. He told us to not play soccer today as we have been doing almost every day, because it is so hot and it may be better to rest in preparation for our hike to the quarries tomorrow and then our overnight hike on Saturday/Sunday. Jason reminded us to make sure to drink a lot of water, eat enough at meals, and take our probiotics every day.
Today is our host brother Rodrigo’s third birthday. At breakfast Thomas and I were given smoothies made of vegetables including string beans in celebration of Rodrigo’s birthday (it was the first thing I’ve been served that I did not like very much). Thomas and I are going to get him a present for his party tonight.
Everyone is looking forward to our visit to the thermal baths over the weekend, and we can’t wait to play more soccer with the local kids.
This trip has already expanded my worldview and my time here so far has caused me to really think about how I live my life back at Groton, though it sounds clichéd. I hope that I will soon get a chance to pull together my thoughts and understand what this trip is all about.


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